Douay Rheims Bible, Black Leather Hardcover

Product Description
This Douay-Rheims edition is the most beautiful and traditional Catholic Bible in English! The first ever digitally typeset edition with newly redrawn color maps, beautifully bound in real Moroccan leather, hard, but pliable, valued especially for high quality bookbinding where durability and beauty are prized.
No one can fault the quality and authenticity of the Douay-Rheims Bible, but all previous editions have had to compromise on the quality of the text printing. Not so with this new edition, which takes advantage of the very latest in digital technology to ensure that throughout the Bible, the text is always crystal clear.
Engravings - These beautiful engravings recreate key moments in Biblical History. In this edition, all thirty-two engravings from the 1941 edition published by The Douay Bible House, New York, have been carefully remastered and enhanced.
Eleven colored maps digitally redrawn by hand and fully colored. Included in this edition - Three Papal encyclicals regarding the importance of the Holy Bible! PROVIDENTISSIMUS DEUS - Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII - On the Study of Holy Scripture SPIRITUS PARACLITUS - Encyclical of Pope Benedict XV - On St. Jerome DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU - Encyclical of Pope Pius XII - On Promoting Biblical Studies.
Approx. 7" x 10"